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    Architects - Meta Incorporadora

    Arthur Casas Studio

    Arthur Casas Studio’s creation principle is closely linked to a horizontal scale, where what really matters is a dialogue in the conception of programs – which can vary from a chair to an entire neighborhood, influenced by a modernist, contemporary spirit that is very Brazilian but never ceases to be cosmopolitan.

    Their team operates both in São Paulo and New York, and has works in several key cities, such as Tokyo, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, New York and São Paulo, creating a vocabulary that is recognized and published worldwide.

    UN1CO, 688, EUROPA 105, HARDING

    VERSA – Building, Architecture and Urbanism Office

    This office has been created by two architects – Fábio Onuki and João Paulo Machado Osinski –both of them from University of São Paulo’s Architecture and Urbanism College, class of 2008.

    Since its establishment, the company develops architecture and urbanism projects, in several scales and programs, both for the public and private sectors.


    Rocco Vidal P+W

    Rocco Vidal P+W has been operating for more than 30 years in the Brazilian market, transforming the country’s scenario with their creations.

    Currently, they are fully integrated to the Perkins+Will global brand. This strategic change, including the transition from Rocco Vidal Perkins+Will to Perkins+Will, allowed combining the 30-year knowledge of local culture to the capabilities and reach of an intercontinental company.

    Tony Leon

    Tony Leon is the president of 3Design – a renowned American architecture office located at the Miami region that aims to reach a balance between mankind, nature and technology, as the world is more and more driven towards technology.

    Their professionals specialize in design, including space planning, interior design and architectural design, to meet specific needs of each customer.


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